PornHub Premium

As far as free porn sites go, PornHub has always been an excellent choice. In addition to all the user-uploaded content, there is also a ton of professionally-filmed videos as well. But most of the really good HD videos are uploaded by the companies who created them, so they usually don’t want to give too much away for free. This usually means that they will edit them down to much shorter clips and even limit the picture quality. And because PornHub is a free site, users also have to deal with a bunch of annoying ads and may even be redirected to third-party sites that contain malware or other security concerns. So PornHub has finally created a premium version of their site for people that are looking for the best of both worlds.

PornHub Premium is an ad-free version of the site with higher-quality video playback, 4K and virtual reality content, more than 30,000 full-length high-definition DVDs available on demand, and over 100,000 additional premium videos. Here are just a few of the networks PornHub has already partnered with:

PornHub Premium Sites

Although you can save some money by signing up for a full year, PornHub Premium also has the lowest month-to-month cost of any major paid porn network. For less than $10, you get full access to more content than you can imagine, and it is incredibly easy to cancel your membership at any time without any annoying consequences. Plus, right now, PornHub is really pushing hard to convert their existing user into premium members, so they are currently offering free 7-day trials in hopes that people will realize just how much better their experience can be. So if you’re already spending a lot of time on PornHub’s free site, there’s never been a better time to check out their premium content.